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In late March, six Eimskip employees traveled to China to participate in the sea trial of Dettifoss, which is a test of the vessels functionality at sea. The sea trial has been completed and the results were good overall. Last week, additional eleven employees travelled to China to sail the vessel to Iceland.

Bragi Björgvinsson is the captain of Dettifoss and participated in the sea trial. Bragi has worked at Eimskip for 35 years and he likes the new vessel. “The new vessel is well equipped and of course much larger than our older vessels. The vessel is higher freeboard so it will be exciting to see how it will perform in the Atlantic.“ says Bragi. He says that the sea trial was successful overall. As expected, a few things came up which are being reviewed and repaired by the shipyard already and that process is well underway. Seventeen Eimskip employees are now in China and will in coming weeks sail Dettifoss to Iceland.

The two new vessels will be the largest in history of the Icelandic fleet, 180 meters in overall length, a width of 31 meters and capacity of 2.150 TEU. They are equipped with good controls and a TIER III engine which is especially built to lower Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emission into the atmosphere. The vessels will consume less fuel per container unit compared to older vessels, with lower emission due to a built-in scrubber system which minimizes Sulphur Oxide (SOx) emission. They are well equipped to sail in the North Atlantic, they have an ice class and will be designed in accordance with the Polar Code, mandatory for sailing in the ocean around Greenland.

Below is a video from the sea trial.