Fara á efnissvæði

In the next few weeks, Eimskip will increase its service for exporters of fresh commodities from the Faroe Islands and Iceland to the United States and Canada. Eimskip will adjust its sailing system in response to customers‘ greater demand for shorter transit time, more environmentally friendly transportation, and fresher and more valuable products. With an earlier departure from Iceland to North America and fewer port calls on the way, we get fresh products out to the American market earlier in the week which is very important to the customers.

„By adjusting our reliable sailing system we can now offer an even better option in exporting fresh commodities to North America, which has been a growing part of our business. We emphasize social responsibility in our business and we feel increased awareness and interest in environmentally friendly transportation among our customers, so it is a positive step to be able to improve our services in that direction. We know of some customers who have decided to solely transport their products by sea instead of by air but the carbon emission by vessel and truck for one ton of fresh commodities on this route is in total around 95% lower than transportation by air“, says Vilhelm Már Þorsteinsson, CEO of Eimskip.

To begin with, the focus will be on transporting fresh salmon from the Faroe Islands and Iceland but with companies being more and more environmentally focused and cooling technology and overall product processing constantly improving, white fish and other fresh products are likely to follow.

The changes will take effect by the end of this month.