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Eimskip graduated the fourth class of the Company’s International Leadership Program at the end of May. The program plays an important role in developing leaders, increasing collaboration, and driving cultural enhancement within the Company.  

A total of 25 employees from 11 countries participated in the program this year and spent five days together in Iceland where they received extensive leadership training. 

Edda Rut Björnsdóttir, Executive Vice President of HR & Communication at Eimskip, emphasizes the program's significance in shaping the organization's future leadership. "Our employees are the driving force behind all the changes and transformations that build a desirable workplace and culture characterized by ambition, dynamic communication, and strong teamwork," says Edda. “We want to develop leaders who dare to lead by example and motivate others to succeed." 

The Leadership program is built on the Company’s leadership and succession planning model and equips participants with essential leadership skills to navigate today's dynamic business landscape.  

One notable aspect of the program is its commitment to diversity and equal opportunities, which is evident in the fact that women represent 52% of all graduates in the program's history. 

“Working in a male dominant sector like the transportation sector is, we place great emphasis on diversity and have set the goal of having women in at least 40% of our management roles. Our Leadership Program and active succession planning play a pivotal role on that journey” says Edda. 

The program's success is evident in the professional development of its graduates within the organization. With an impressive NPS score of 100 and an overall satisfaction score of 5 out of 5, participants value their experience highly. Furthermore, 28% of graduates have secured career advancements, there of 22 women, demonstrating the program's effectiveness in equipping individuals for leadership roles. 

When asked about the expected benefits of The Company's Leadership Program, one participant expressed their belief in its positive impact on their leadership skills and personal growth. 

“I have learned techniques to be able to motivate and praise everybody in the team when needed, and also gained confidence that I will be heard if I come up with ideas, and also have the confidence in my own abilities to deal with nearly any situation that comes my way”, they replied.

Reflecting on their experience, another participant shared insights into the highlights of the Leadership Program. 

“The highlight of this program was me developing as a leader, my newfound confidence, learning new skills and learning from each other. It was a great experience, and the dynamic of the group was exceptional,” they responded. 

As The Company celebrates the graduation of the class of 2024, it remains dedicated to providing opportunities for growth and development. The Leadership Program shows this commitment, ensuring that The Company will continue to empower and inspire leaders within the Company.