Fara á efnissvæði

A formal naming ceremony was held in Faroe Island yesterday for Eimskip´s newest vessel Brúarfoss. Vilhelm Már Thorsteinsson, Eimskip´s CEO, and Bogi P. Nielsen, Faro Ship´s CEO welcomed a small group of Faroe Ship employees, customers, and partners in a traditional naming ceremony in Thorshavn.

In 2020 Eimskip took delivery of two vessels, Dettifoss and Brúarfoss, the two largest vessels in the history of Eimskip’s fleet. Brúarfoss formally began sailing within Eimskip's sailing schedule when departing from Denmark in November 2020. The two vessels are the most environmentally friendly vessels pr. TEU of the whole fleet and the engines are specially built to lower Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Sulphur Oxide (SOx) emissions into the atmosphere. The vessels are designed with very good maneuvering capabilities and well equipped to sail in the North Atlantic, with ice class, and are designed according to Polar Code, mandatory for sailing in the ocean around Greenland.

In 1914 the board of Eimskip decided that the first two ships should be named after waterfalls and this principle has been maintained ever since when possible. This is the sixth vessel named Brúarfoss in the Eimskips vessel fleet since the first one was named Brúarfoss in 1927.

The vessel´s godmother, Eva Rein, wished the vessel good luck and a safe journey by reading a rhyme. Eva Rein is a payroll representative at Faroe Ship in Torshavn, where she has just celebrated her 50th anniversary as an employee.