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Investor news

Publishing of Eimskip’s Consolidated Financial Statements 2019 and Q4 results

Investor meeting on 28 February 2020

Investor news

Eimskip birtir ársreikning 2019 og uppgjör fjórða ársfjórðungs

Kynningarfundur 28. febrúar 2020

Investor news

Björn Einarsson nýr framkvæmdastjóri Sölu og viðskiptastýringar hjá Eimskip á Íslandi

Skipulagsbreytingar verða gerðar hjá Eimskip í dag þar sem Björn Einarsson verður framkvæmdastjóri á nýju samþættu Sölu og viðskiptastýrin...

Investor news

Björn Einarsson new Executive Vice President of Iceland Sales and Business management at Eimskip

Organizational changes will be made at Eimskip today. Björn Einarsson will take on the role of Executive Vice President of a new integrate...

Investor news

EIM: EBITDA result for 2019 below expectations

According to preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2019, EBITDA for the year 2019 will be below management expectations. Estimated...

Investor news

EIM: Lakari EBITDA afkoma árið 2019 en spáð var

Samkvæmt bráðabirgðatölum fyrir fjórða ársfjórðung 2019 lítur út fyrir að EBITDA afkoma Eimskips fyrir árið 2019 verði lakari en stjórnend...

Investor news

EIM: Tveir úrskurðir Landsréttar

Í dag barst úrskurður Landsréttar um síðari kröfu félagsins vegna rannsóknar Samkeppniseftirlitsins skv. 102 gr. laga um meðferð sakamála,...

Investor news

EIM: Two verdicts from Court of Appeal

Today the Court of Appeal ruled on the second claim of the Company towards the Icelandic Competition Authority, based on Article 102 of th...

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program – repurchase is completed

In week 4 2020 Eimskip purchased 276,740 of its own shares, at a purchase price of 51,439,048 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun og lok hennar

Í 4. viku 2020 keypti Eimskip 276.740 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 51.439.048 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 3 2020 Eimskip purchased 345,925 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 65,950,601 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 3. viku 2020 keypti Eimskip 345.925 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 65.950.601 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

EIM: Information on former CEO’s claim

Reference is made to a press release from 19 May regarding the claim of the former CEO that the investigation of the District Prosecutor s...

Investor news

EIM: Upplýsingar vegna kröfu fyrrverandi forstjóra

Vísað er til fréttar frá 19. maí sl. um kröfu fyrrverandi forstjóra að rannsókn Héraðssaksóknara á hendur honum verði hætt. Í dag úrskurða...

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 2 2020 Eimskip purchased 345,925 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 65,933,305 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 2. viku 2020 keypti Eimskip 345.925 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 65.933.305 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 1 2020 Eimskip purchased 138,370 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 26,082,745 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 1. viku 2020 keypti Eimskip 138.370 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 26.082.745 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 52 2019 Eimskip purchased 138.370 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 25.978.968 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 52. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 138.370 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 25.978.968 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 51 2019 Eimskip purchased 344,740 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 64,775,343 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 51. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 344.740 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 64.775.343 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

EIM: Upplýsingar vegna kröfu fyrrverandi forstjóra

Vísað er til fréttar frá 19. maí sl. um kröfu fyrrverandi forstjóra að rannsókn Héraðssaksóknara á hendur honum verði hætt.

Investor news

EIM: Information on former CEO’s claim

Reference is made to a press release from 19 May regarding the claim of the former CEO that the investigation of the District Prosecutor s...