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Investor news

Eimskip birtir uppgjör annars ársfjórðungs 2022

Kynningarfundur 19. ágúst 2022

Investor news

Publishing of Eimskip's second quarter 2022 results

Investor meeting on 19 August 2022

Investor news

Eimskip: Information regarding Q2 results

According to management accounts for April and May along with a new forecast for June 2022, which is now available, EBITDA in the second q...

Investor news

Eimskip: Upplýsingar varðandi afkomu annars ársfjórðungs

Samkvæmt stjórnendauppgjöri fyrir apríl og maí ásamt nýrri spá fyrir júní sem nú liggur fyrir lítur út fyrir að EBITDA á öðrum ársfjórðung...

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun og lok hennar

Í 27. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 64.257 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 29.636.734 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program – repurchase is completed

In week 27 2022 Eimskip purchased 64,257 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 29,636,734 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 26 2022 Eimskip purchased 380,000 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 176,940,000 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 26. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 380.000 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 176.940.000 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 25. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 265.000 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 121.850.000 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 25 2022 Eimskip purchased 265,000 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 121,850,000 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Press Release from Eimskip

Reference is made to press releases from 8 and 29 April 2021 regarding a ruling of the Reykjavik District Court that was referred to the C...

Investor news

Fréttatilkynning frá Eimskip

Vísað er til fréttatilkynninga frá 8. og 29. apríl 2021 varðandi niðurstöðu héraðsdóms sem ákveðið var að vísa til Landsréttar, sbr. skýri...

Investor news

Tilkynning frá Eimskip

Í dag, 20. júní 2022, framkvæmdi danska samkeppniseftirlitið húsleit í Álaborg hjá dönsku dótturfélagi Eimskip Holding B.V., sem er í eigu...

Investor news

Announcement from Eimskip

Today 20 June 2022, the Danish competition authorities conducted a dawn raid in Aalborg at a Danish subsidiary of Eimskip Holding B.V., wh...

Investor news

Announcement from Eimskip

Reference is made to an announcement made 16 December 2021.

Investor news

Tilkynning frá Eimskip

Vísað er til fréttatilkynningar frá 16. desember sl.

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 24 2022 Eimskip purchased 430,743 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 207,374,925 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 24. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 430.743 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 207.374.925 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 23 2022 Eimskip purchased 330,000 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 165,250,000 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 23. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 330.000 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 165.250.000 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

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Naming ceremony for Dettifoss

A formal naming ceremony was held at Skarfabakki in Reykjavík harbor on Tuesday for Eimskip´s newest vessel, Dettifoss. The general public...

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 22 2022 Eimskip purchased 260,000 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 129,630,000 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 22. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 260.000 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 129.630.000 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Share buy-back program initiated

At the Annual General Meeting of Eimskip on 17 March 2022 the shareholders approved to authorize the Board of Directors to buy up to 10% o...