Results of Eimskip's 2021 Annual General Meeting
Enclosed are the results of the Annual General Meeting of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. held today, Thursday 25 March 2021, and updated Articl...
Eimskip: Ársskýrsla 2020
Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. hefur gefið út ársskýrslu fyrir árið 2020.
Eimskip: Annual Report 2020
Eimskip has published its Annual Report for the year 2020.
Eimskip: Altered execution of the Annual General Meeting
Eimskip‘s Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday 25 March on 16:00 GMT.
Eimskip: Breytt framkvæmd aðalfundar
Aðalfundur Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 25. mars kl. 16:00.
Fresh commodities to NA exceed expectations
Recently Eimskip adjusted its sailing system in response to customers‘ greater demand in transportation of fresh commodities to the United...
Skráning á aðalfund Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. 25. mars 2021
Eimskip vill vekja athygli hluthafa á því að tilhögun fundahalda verður í samræmi við gildandi sóttvarnarreglur um viðburði þar sem allt a...
Registration to Eimskip’s 2021 AGM 25 March 2021
Eimskip would like to bring shareholders attention to the fact that the meeting will be arranged in accordance with the current restrictio...
Eimskip: Candidates to the Board of Directors and AGM’s final agenda
Enclosed is information on candidates to the Board of Directors of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. to be elected at the Annual General Meeting 2...
Eimskip: Frambjóðendur til stjórnar og endanleg dagskrá aðalfundar
Meðfylgjandi eru upplýsingar um frambjóðendur til stjórnar félagsins sem kosnir verða á aðalfundinum 25. mars 2021. Framboðsfrestur er útr...
Eimskip: Dagskrá og tillögur aðalfundar 2021
Meðfylgjandi er endanleg dagskrá og tillögur stjórnar til aðalfundar 2021, ásamt skýrslu Tilnefningarnefndar félagsins.
Eimskip: AGM 2021 final agenda and proposals
Enclosed is the final agenda and proposals from the Board of Directors for the 2021 Annual General Meeting, along with the report of the C...
Eimskip: Annual General Meeting 25 March 2021
Eimskipafélag Íslands hf.'s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 25 March 2021 at 16:00 at Gullteigur conference room, Gra...
Eimskip: Aðalfundur 25. mars 2021
Aðalfundur Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 25. mars 2021 í fundarsalnum Gullteig á Grand hótel, Sigtúni 28, 105 Rey...
Eimskip: Results for the year 2020
Highlights of the year 2020
Eimskip: Ársuppgjör 2020
Helstu atriði í afkomu ársins 2020
Eimskip’s Consolidated Financial Statements 2020 and Q4 results
Highlights of the year 2020
Eimskip birtir ársreikning 2020 og uppgjör fjórða ársfjórðungs
Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. birtir ársreikning fyrir árið 2020, uppgjör fjórða ársfjórðungs og sjálfbærniskýrslu félagsins (UFS) fyrir árið ...
Publishing of Eimskip’s Consolidated Financial Statements 2020 and Q4 results
Investor meeting on 26 February 2021
Eimskip increases its service in transporting fresh commodities to US and Canada
In the next few weeks, Eimskip will increase its service for exporters of fresh commodities from the Faroe Islands and Iceland to the Unit...
Eimskip: Tilnefningarnefnd óskar eftir framboðum til stjórnar
Tilnefningarnefnd er undirnefnd stjórnar og hefur það hlutverk að aðstoða og upplýsa stjórn vegna ferils við framboð til stjórnar og varas...
Eimskip’s Nomination Committee is open for nominations
The Nomination Committee is a sub-committee of the Board of Directors which shall assist the Board with the process of Board succession pl...
Lagarfoss is home
Lagarfoss arrived in Reykjavík today after two days sailing with the help of The Icelandic Coast Guard. Two tugboats assisted Lagarfoss th...
Lagarfoss on the way home
The Icelandic Coast Guard reached Lagarfoss at 1:30 AM last night and is now towing the vessel back to Iceland. The weather on the sailing...