Publishing of Eimskip’s first quarter 2020 results
Investor meeting on 20 May 2020
Eimskip birtir uppgjör fyrsta ársfjórðungs 2020
Kynningarfundur 20. maí 2020
Dettifoss on the way home
Dettifoss is ready and departed in Guangzhou, China yesterday. 17 Eimskip employees traveled to China in the upcoming of the departure but...
Eimskip takes delivery of new Dettifoss
Dettifoss, one of two new 2,150 teus vessels that has been built in China was delivered to Eimskip today. The delivery of the vessel is an...
EIMSKIP: EBITDA results for Q1 below expectations
According to the preliminary management accounts EBITDA in Q1 will be in the range of EUR 9.0-9.5 million compared to EUR 13.2 million las...
EIMSKIP: EBITDA á fyrsta ársfjórðungi undir væntingum
Samkvæmt drögum að stjórnendauppgjöri fyrir ársfjórðung 2020 lítur út fyrir að EBITDA sé á bilinu 9.0-9.5 milljónir evra samanborið við 13...
Eimskip fellir niður einkamál gegn Samkeppniseftirlitinu
Við fyrirtöku í dag í einkamáli því sem höfðað var gegn Samkeppniseftirlitinu í nóvember sl. kom fram að félagið félli frá kröfum sínum í ...
Eimskip dismisses civil action against the Icelandic Competition Authority
In a court hearing today in the civil case that was filed against the Icelandic Competition Authority last November the company stated tha...
Streamlining and organizational changes at Eimskip
These streamlining measures include a reduction of 73 FTE’s within Eimskip, thereof 47 in Iceland. Direct redundancies are 54, thereof 39 ...
Hagræðingar og skipulagsbreytingar hjá Eimskip
Hagræðingaraðgerðir verða gerðar hjá Eimskip í dag. Á undanförnum fimmtán mánuðum hefur félagið verið á þeirri vegferð...
Streamlining and organizational changes at Eimskip
Streamlining measures will be made within Eimskip today. For the past fifteen months the Company has taken many&n...
Dettifoss sea trial
In late March, six Eimskip employees travelled to China to participate in the sea trial of Dettifoss, which is a test of the vessels funct...
Eimskip´s frontline workers
At Eimskip our frontline workers are working hard to keep the supply chain open in these uncertain times that we are facing. While many c...
Eimskip: Dagsetning viðskipta 7. apríl 2020
Meðfylgjandi er tilkynning frá Eimskipafélagi Íslands hf. vegna viðskipta með eigin bréf.
Eimskip: Date of transaction 7 April 2020
Attached is an announcement regarding changes in company‘s own shares from Eimskipafélag Íslands hf.
Samherja Holding veitt undanþága frá tilboðsskyldu í Eimskip
Eimskip hefur móttekið eftirfarandi tilkynningu frá Samherja Holding ehf.:
Samherji Holding granted an exemption from mandatory bid obligation in Eimskip
Eimskip has received following notification from Samherji Holding ehf.:
Eimskip gerir breytingar á gámasiglingakerfinu
Eimskip mun í fyrri hluta apríl gera tímabundnar breytingar á gámasiglingakerfi félagsins. Þessar breytingar eru hluti af þeim aðgerðum se...
Eimskip makes adjustments to its container sailing system
Eimskip will in early April temporarily adjust the Company’s container sailing system. The adjustments are part of Eimskip’s operational m...
Results of Eimskip's 2020 Annual General Meeting
Enclosed are the results of the Annual General Meeting of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. held today, Thursday 26 March 2020, and updated Articl...
NIðurstöður aðalfundar Eimskips 2020
Meðfylgjandi eru niðurstöður aðalfundar Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. sem haldinn var í dag, fimmtudaginn 26. mars 2020, ásamt uppfærðu...
Eimskip - Annual Report 2019
Eimskip has published its Annual Report for the year 2019.
Eimskip - ársskýrsla 2019
Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. hefur gefið út ársskýrslu fyrir árið 2019.
Eimskip has decided to withdraw its guidance for 2020 due to uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The increasing negative impact...