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Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun og lok hennar

Í 41. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 65.110 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 32.232.421 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program – repurchase is completed

In week 41 2022 Eimskip purchased 65,110 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 32,232,421 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program – repurchase is completed

In week 41 2022 Eimskip purchased 65,110 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 32,232,421 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 40 2022 Eimskip purchased 228,923 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 115,785,730 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 40 2022 Eimskip purchased 228,923 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 115,785,730 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 40. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 228.923 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 115.785.730 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 40. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 228.923 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 115.785.730 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

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Eimskip takes more steps towards green transport

Eimskip has invested in two 15-tonne electric Volvo trucks from Veltir, Brimborg's commercial equipment division, but the vehicles will be...

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 39. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 251.336 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 124.961.968 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 39 2022 Eimskip purchased 251,336 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 124,961,968 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 38 2022 Eimskip purchased 249,003 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 131,481,285 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 38. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 249.003 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 131.481.285 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

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Landsvirkjun and Eimskip Join Forces for the Energy Transition

Landsvirkjun and Eimskip signed a Letter of Intent today concerning Eimskip’s energy transition for its shipping- and ground transport fle...

Investor news

Eimskip: Flöggun frá LSR

Sjá meðfylgjandi flöggunartilkynningu.

Investor news

Eimskip: Major shareholder announcement from LSR

Please see attached major shareholder announcement.

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 37. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 251.552 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 145.434.640 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 37 2022 Eimskip purchased 251,552 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 145,434,640 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 36 2022 Eimskip purchased 200,000 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 114,600,000 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 36. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 200.000 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 114.600.000 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Fréttatilkynning frá Eimskip

Vísað er til fréttatilkynningar frá 24. júní 2022 varðandi niðurstöðu Landsréttar sem ákveðið var að vísa til Hæstaréttar, sbr. skýringu 2...

Investor news

Press Release from Eimskip

Reference is made to a press release from 24 June 2022 regarding a ruling of the Court of Appeal that was referred to the Supreme Court, c...

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 35. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 225.900 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 131.726.500 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 35 2022 Eimskip purchased 225,900 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 131,726,500 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 34. viku 2022 keypti Eimskip 228.176 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 137.876.340 samkvæmt neðangreindu: