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Investor news

Eimskip makes changes to its container sailing system

Eimskip will by mid-October change the Company’s container sailing system to increase service level and lower fixed operating cost. The ch...

Investor news

Eimskip gerir breytingar á gámasiglingakerfi

Eimskip mun um miðjan október gera breytingar á gámasiglingakerfi félagsins til að auka þjónustu við viðskiptavini og hagræða í rekstri. B...

Investor news

Eimskip: Cooperation with Royal Arctic Line confirmed

Icelandic Competition Appeals Committee confirmed today the decision of the Icelandic Competition Authority from 17 April 2019, where the ...

Investor news

Eimskip: Samstarf við Royal Arctic Line staðfest

Eimskip hefur borist úrskurður áfrýjunarnefndar samkeppnismála þar sem staðfest er ákvörðun Samkeppniseftirlitsins frá 17. apríl 2019, um ...

Investor news

Afkoma af rekstri fyrstu sex mánuði ársins í samræmi við væntingar

Helstu atriði í afkomu annars ársfjórðungs 2019

Investor news

Performance in first 6M in line with expectations

Highlights of Q2 2019 results

Investor news

Eimskip birtir uppgjör annars ársfjórðungs 2019

Kynningarfundur 30. ágúst 2019

Investor news

Publishing of Eimskip’s second quarter 2019 results

Investor meeting on 30 August 2019

Investor news

Hæstiréttur Íslands veitir Eimskip áfrýjunarleyfi

Í dag barst tilkynning Hæstaréttar Íslands um að umsókn Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. um leyfi til að áfrýja dómi Landsréttar frá 21. jú...

Investor news

Supreme Court of Iceland grants Eimskip the right to appeal

Today Eimskip received a letter from the Supreme Court of Iceland notifying that the company´s application for the right of appeal of the ...

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun og lok hennar

Í 31. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 48.888 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 8.726.508 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program – repurchase is completed

In week 31 2019 Eimskip purchased 48,888 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 8,726,508 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 30. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 249.112 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 44.782.187 samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 30 2019 Eimskip purchased 249,112 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 44,782,187 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 29 2019 Eimskip purchased 213,471 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 38,221,679 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 29. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 213,471 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 38.221.679 kr samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 28. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 259.737 eigin hluti fyrir kr.46.661.239 kr samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 28 2019 Eimskip purchased 259,737 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 46,661,239 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 27 2019 Eimskip purchased 464,422 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 86,856,440 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 27. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 464.422 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 86.856.440 kr samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 26 2019 Eimskip purchased 628,440 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 120,410,867 as further stipulated below:

Investor news

Eimskip: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun

Í 26. viku 2019 keypti Eimskip 628.440 eigin hluti fyrir kr. 120.410.867 kr samkvæmt neðangreindu:

Investor news

Eimskip: Krafa um að rannsókn Samkeppniseftirlitsins verði úrskurðuð ólögmæt og að henni skuli hætt

Stjórn Eimskips ákvað í dag að leggja fram kröfu skv. 102. gr. laga um meðferð sakamála, þess efnis að rannsókn Samkeppniseftirlitsins á f...

Investor news

Eimskip: Icelandic Competition Authority‘s investigation is claimed illegal and should be ceased

Eimskip’s Board of Directors decided today to file a court case based on Article 102 of the Icelandic criminal procedure act, claiming tha...